The Actuality of Journalism

20141103_183322Journalists have been notable for gathering information, writing about a news story and sometimes interviewing people to support their information.
It is, rather, unusual for them to be interviewed themselves and be seated at the hot seat.

I happened to interview Mr. Julius Segovia, News Producer and Business reporter in GMA-7, which happened to teach me the actuality of journalism. Read More

‘SPEAK UP’ Event left Artlets Disappointed

Artlets were dismayed on the “Speak Up: Face to face with the student Council and Administration.” last Feb. 10 held by the Faculty of Arts and Letters Student Council and Administration.

The primary issue raised in the forum was the loss of funds amounting more than P50,000 last October 23, 2014 where several ABSC officers and two students were being questioned. Read More

Hard news versus Soft news

Think of an ice cream. There are different flavors and types of ice cream like soft ice cream and ice cream on-stick. Compare the two ice creams.

One is softer, one is more solid; one has a definite form, one has a flexible form; one is easier to eat, on is longer to consume. Read More

Let’s take a look: News Values foundation by Galtung and Ruge

The “Structure of Foreign News” of Galtung and Ruge in 1965 has been the foundation of Journalism throughout the world for decades and the 12 news values–frequency, threshold, unambiguity, meaningfulness, consonance, unexpectedness, continuity, composition, reference to the elite nations, to the elite people, to persons, and to something negative –the core of every news story featured by media.

However, its validity and efficacy may now be in question –culturally determined ‘event’, its approach on its topic, the transition or paradigm shift, and the internet as medium of communication. Read More

Events as News

On the busy streets of Metro Manila, people hardly had enough time to look for news. Instead, media gives them news –whether from the radios on their car stereos, from the television of their own homes, or from the headlines on the newspaper stand on their way to work.

However, a simple Juan de la Cruz does not know the difference between events and news. Question is, what makes the event ‘news’? Read More

What makes news ‘news’?

People watch television shows and news programs, tune in to radio podcasts and coverage, even check out online news websites to know the latest happenings around them. However, one does not really know what is in those stories that made them news. So how is news, “news?” Read More